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Sep 13, 2011
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Allowing customers to purchase without registering or easier registering

new customers are often scared away by the registering process and would prefer to order via email. It'd be nice if they didn't have to register or if it was instant as soon as they did register.
  1. Admin comment: This item is complete. User registration no longer requires activation. Users can log in without receiving the confirmation email. When they do receive the email, it contains a link that allows them to log in directly, without needing to type in their information. The Forgotten Password code also now includes a direct login link. Finally, it has always been the case that shoppers can purchase "Standard" listings in the single-user stores without registration.

    Oct 04, 2011

  1. Oh gosh, PLEASE yes! I've gotten quite a few comments from people on FB saying they have no interest in registering for yet another account so they won't buy from HC. I think it would be great!

    Sep 23, 2011
  2. While I don't mind that customer registers, and prefer that, I'd like to see the sign up process simplified- as someone else mentioned, having a first time customer "sign up" during the checkout process. It makes me wonder how many sales I have lost driving new people to my shop on HC only for them to have to register BEFORE they can do anything.

    Sep 21, 2011
  3. I see lots of sites that let a new customer register during their initial checkout process- like when you go to checkout, you either put in your username and password, or you click "New Customer" where you input all your information, and set up a password, and it then continues the checkout process as usual.

    Sep 14, 2011
  4. agree with the 1st 2 comments

    Sep 14, 2011
  5. Agree with the other person's comment...we need to make sure we have some security with those who are buying our items, but if the shopper needs to wait to be "approved", etc., they may lose out on a buy and not want to return to buy something later.

    Sep 13, 2011
  6. Due to security i think they should have to register but it should be automatic

    Sep 13, 2011

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