Stocking Thursday,May 29th, 4pm est! Welcome guest vendors Duckee Rose Diaper Boutique, Boody's Bottom, Earthy Little Moose, and Little Dookie Diapers!!!!!!!!!

BabyMyWaye Chunkabutt DutchBaby SimplyClothByDanAndLeah

Duckee Rose Diaper Boutique

Cloth diapering full-time working and wahm mom to the three sweet boys. Two of which are in cloth right now. I switched to cloth when my middle son was about 8 months old because they were way cuter than sposies, but it took some talking to get my husband on board. Now he loves them and I'd like to say it's saved us money, but it probably hasn't. I started making my own and sell, but it mostly supports my fabric and CD addictions. So enable away! Come check out ChunkabuTT Creations on Facebook!