My name is Selina and I live in BC with my husband and two wonderful sons.

I started making recycled woolies 2 years ago. At first it was just an affordable option for us to use wool for my son. Soon, I discovered that I loved to design and create these little diaper covers. I also loved being able to provide an affordable diapering solution for other parents.

All of the sweaters that I use for fabric are purchased from local thrift stores. The money goes back into my community through various organizations. The sweaters are machine washed with a gentle detergent before cutting and sewing. All of my woolies are machine sewn with polyester threads to avoid wicking at the seams. My son has extremely sensitive skin and can not tolerate serging. With this in mind for other babies, I do not serge any of my woolies. If the fabric is loose and requires some stability along the cut edges, I will use a zigzag stitch to keep everything in place.

All woolies are washed in a lanolin-rich wool wash before sending to you so they are ready to wear.

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