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I'm Angela, the work at home mom behind Pumpkin Pie Baby. I started cloth diapering my second daughter after discovering that we couldn't find a disposable diaper that worked for us. I had never considered cloth diapering before then, but once I started doing some research and I actually tried them, the whole thing made sense. Why have my daughter wear something that felt so much like plastic when there are lots of soft, comfortable, beautiful and functional diapers out there? And because I had two daughters in diapers for a short time, I started to wonder how we could reduce the amount of trash we were throwing away every week. It bothered me that the diapers we were throwing away would be sitting in a landfill for a very long time. Cloth diapering solved those problems.

Once I found prefolds and fitteds, wool seemed like the next obvious step in cloth diapering, especially because I love to crochet and I had recently taught myself to knit.

At Pumpkin Pie Baby, I'll be making wool soaker and longie sets for your cloth diapered baby. I am currently licensed to sell the Peppermint Soaker and Morning Glory longies through the Ladybugz Farm cottage license. I love our wool...it never leaks, it's soft, and it can be worn as shorts or pants, which means that I don't have to worry about fitting pants or shorts over a diaper cover.

I have been crocheting for 10 years and grew up in a family that valued crafting as artistry. My grandmother Rita crocheted, sewed and crafted. My grandmother Sarah was a quilter and knitter. Two of my most cherished possessions are an afghan my grandmother crocheted for me and a quilt my grandmother made. There's nothing more comforting than knowing that their hands touched every inch of the blankets I love so much. I now love to crochet and knit because they help me feel connected to my grandmothers.

Thank you for stopping by Pumpkin Pie Baby! To learn more about us, visit http://hyenacart.com/pumpkinpiebaby or visit our blog at http://pumpkin-pie-baby.blogspot.com.

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