Mosaic Moon™ OSFM Diapers
Mosaic Moon™ One-Size-Fits_most Cloth Diapers
About the Diapers

  Collaborations & Guests
  Momufactured Design®
  The Enchanted Nursery
  Monkey Toe Diapers
  The Crafty Caterpillar

Julie is the mother of two beautiful daughters. Littlebums began in 2003 after the birth of her first daughter when she sewed diapers and clothing. That's since grown into many business projects which are mostly hobbies at this point. Julie is a full-time WOHM, teaching computer art at the University of Utah and running a science outreach program. She loves to sew and spin yarn. You can often find her items at the Necessitae stockings.

Graphics & Design by two14  |  © 2003-2008 Mosaic Moon™  |  All rights reserved