about unusual design
artisan jewelry *artful bliss for the body* to wear & to share

about me

the only lasting beauty  is the beauty of the heart-rumi

allow these artful-jewelry designs to remind you to enjoy the beauty within yourself & others.

I find art to be as much as writing, music, cooking in that my art I use colors, textures, shapes as a writer uses words, a musician uses notes, rhythms, a cook uses flavors, spices, textures to create an experience that improves the quality of your existence, nourishes your soul, gives your heart, mind & soul reasons to love this life more. 

 in my creative experience of making artful bliss for the body, my wish is for you to have an experience that uplifts your being into more love, more sharing, deepening your overall wonder of this planet earth.

  I want you to find a favorite piece of art that you can wear while reading, listening to music, cooking or eating out and sharing all of those experiences with the favorite people in your life.

I want you to find a piece of my art to share with someone you love. I want you to find more love in everything you do.

peace, love, love, love,lisa

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